Northernexpress Infradevelopers Pvt. Ltd. (NIPL) is infrastructure development company promoted by Mr. Nitish Tripathi (Managing Director) who has around 15 years of rich experience in dredging and sailing. Another Director Mr. Ashok Narula has over 35 years of experience in Banking sector.
Northernexpress Infradevelopers Private Limited Established and incorporated in 2009, is an ISO and OHSAS Certified Company.
Company operates through three verticals namely, Dredging, Marine Infrastructure and Civil Infrastructure.
Company is currently involved in maintenance dredging, capital dredging, beach nourishment, land reclamation, shallow water dredging & Capital dredging of River/Canal/Lake etc., Roads, Irrigation and Water Resource Projects, Sand Mining, Ship & Dredger Operation & Management (O&M) and other infrastructure Projects.
Its strength of dredging operational personnel has moved up to 110 and is poised to exceed 250 in near future on trails of possible successful dredging contracts in pipeline.
Due to its operational strength the Company had formed the Consortium with “Mackintosh Burn Ltd.” a 180 year old company of Govt. of West Bengal. The Consortium was awarded Contracts by the IWAI to manage four dredgers for a period of three years. The Company successfully completed these projects.
Company due to it’s operational strength and past credentials is empaneled with “Dredging Corporation of India” for 10 Years as it’s Business Associates for addressing shallow water dredging in India & Bangladesh. Under this arrangement company was awarded a long term capital and maintenance dredging project in MuriGanga bt Government of West Bengal.
Be a leading dredging and infrastructure company in India and increase foot prints in international market through innovative solutions and high quality and efficient services.
Be a high quality service provider in all it's fields of operation and take lead in enhancing industry benchmark through innovative solutions, dedicated and highly motivated team and modern & efficient equipment, guided by godly principles, ethics, safety and environmental protection.